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School Uniform

Woodcote Primary School Uniform Expectations

We are proud to be part of Woodcote and demonstrate this through the respect we show in wearing our uniform correctly. Our school uniform can be purchased from Cladish in Wallington, and online from Mapac and also from other sources including supermarkets and Amazon (apart from the sweatshirts with the logo).

School Uniform *

  • Grey skirt, pinafore dress, trousers, culottes or shorts
  • White shirt/blouse or polo shirt
  • Royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo
  • Plain black shoes or trainers (Not boots)
  • Blue/White cotton dress (check or stripe) may be worn in the summer
  • Plain black, grey or white socks/tights only
  • Blue School Fleece with Logo/PGL Hoodies (only worn outside)

Additional Uniform Expectations

  • One pair of small plain stud (plain metal or single stone) or sleeper (tight hoop that fits around the earlobe) earrings may be worn (No hoops or dangly earrings),
  • No other jewellery may be worn, other than for religious reasons (no charity bands)**
  • Children may wear a watch (if they can tell the time), but it must be removed for PE
  • Children are not permitted to wear nail varnish or make-up
  • Only plain Blue/Black/White hairbands, or clips. No large bows, accessories or decorative hair bands
  • Plain Black, Blue or Grey headscarves and hijabs for religious reasons
  • Long hair must be fully tied back
  • Shirts must be tucked in and no jumpers to be tied around waists when you are in the building.

PE Uniform* Children wear their PE uniform on their PE Days

  • Plain T-shirt (not polo shirt) in House Colour (White/Blue for Reception). 
  • School Sweatshirt/Cardigan with Logo
  • Plain Royal Blue or Grey Tracksuit Bottoms or Royal Blue Shorts.
  • Plain Black Trainers

*Please make sure all items are named clearly

**Requested exceptions may be made when appropriate and families will be informed.

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